Chapter 8: Future Tense of Verbs

Section 8.1: Future Tense Conjugation (-os)

In Esperanto, the future tense is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. To form the future tense, you add the suffix "-os" to the root of the verb.

Here's how you conjugate regular verbs in the future tense:

  • paroli (to speak) becomes parolos (will speak)
  • esti (to be) becomes estos (will be)
  • manĝi (to eat) becomes manĝos (will eat)


  • Mi parolos kun vi morgaŭ. - I will speak with you tomorrow.
  • Ŝi estos feliĉa. - She will be happy.
  • Ni manĝos picon hodiaŭ vespere. - We will eat pizza tonight.

Section 8.2: Talking about Future Plans and Actions

The future tense in Esperanto is used to discuss a wide range of future events, including plans, predictions, intentions, and scheduled actions. Here are some common situations in which you might use the future tense:

  • Scheduled Events: Use the future tense to talk about events that are planned or scheduled to happen in the future.

    • Morgaŭ ni iros al la kinejo. - Tomorrow, we will go to the cinema.
  • Intentions: Describe what you intend or plan to do in the future.

    • Mi intencas lerni novan lingvon. - I intend to learn a new language.
  • Predictions: Make predictions or forecasts about future events.

    • Morgaŭ estos bela vetero. - Tomorrow will be nice weather.
  • Hypothetical Situations: Use the future tense to discuss hypothetical or conditional situations.

    • Se mi havos monon, mi vojaĝos al Japanio. - If I have money, I will travel to Japan.
  • Requests and Offers: Use the future tense to make polite requests or offers.

    • Ĉu vi bonvolos helpi min? - Will you please help me?
    • Mi donos al vi libron. - I will give you a book.

By using the future tense, you can express your intentions, make plans, and talk about future events with clarity and precision in Esperanto. Practicing the future tense will help you communicate effectively about future actions and scenarios.