Chapter 2: Basic Vocabulary and Greetings

Section 2.1: Common Greetings and Expressions

In this chapter, we'll introduce you to some common greetings and expressions in Esperanto:

  • Saluton! - Hello!
  • Bonan matenon! - Good morning!
  • Bonan tagon! - Good day!
  • Bonan vesperon! - Good evening!
  • Bonan nokton! - Good night!
  • Ĝis revido! - Goodbye!
  • Dankon! - Thank you!
  • Mi pardonpetas. - I'm sorry.
  • Bonvenon! - Welcome!
  • Kiel vi fartas? - How are you?
  • Mi estas [via nomo]. - I am [your name].
  • Kie vi loĝas? - Where do you live?
  • Mi ne komprenas. - I don't understand.
  • Kion vi diris? - What did you say?
  • Mi volas [a thing]. - I want [a thing].
  • Kiel oni diras [word] en Esperanto? - How do you say [word] in Esperanto?
  • Kiom da tempo? - How much time?

Section 2.2: Numbers 1-10

Learning numbers is essential in any language. In Esperanto, numbers 1-10 are:

  • unu - one
  • du - two
  • tri - three
  • kvar - four
  • kvin - five
  • ses - six
  • sep - seven
  • ok - eight
  • naŭ - nine
  • dek - ten

You can use these numbers to count, tell the time, and express quantities.

Section 2.3: Personal Pronouns (Mi, Vi, Li, Ŝi, Ĝi, Ni, Ili)

Personal pronouns are fundamental in any language. They replace nouns to make sentences less repetitive. Here are the personal pronouns in Esperanto:

  • Mi - I (used for oneself)
  • Vi - You (used for addressing someone)
  • Li - He (used for males)
  • Ŝi - She (used for females)
  • Ĝi - It (used for objects, animals, or concepts)
  • Ni - We (used for a group including oneself)
  • Ili - They (used for a group excluding oneself)

For example:

  • Mi estas studento. - I am a student.
  • Vi estas amiko. - You are a friend.
  • Li estas kuracisto. - He is a doctor.
  • Ŝi estas instruistino. - She is a teacher.
  • Ĝi estas libro. - It is a book.
  • Ni estas en la parko. - We are in the park.
  • Ili estas studentoj. - They are students.

These basic greetings, numbers, and personal pronouns will help you start simple conversations in Esperanto and build a foundation for more complex language learning in later chapters. Practice using them in various contexts to become more comfortable with the language.